"Oh baby, you're so indisflexible!" was the the loving compliment paid by Bub to our Mister Precious one morning a few days ago. Since two negatives make a positive, we are thinking that this word means that he is very flexible...? Bub has taken to using very large words, and often inventing his own if he can't come up with one that works well.
The other morning I was talking to our Mister Precious Pants (current nickname)...
Me: Oh Mister, you're such a precious baby! (And then to Bub - not wanting him to feel left out), "And you're such a precious pre-schooler."
Bub: I am NOT precious!
Happily, he is now fully potty trained (day and night) and no matter what he says, to me that IS precious!
On to other things: Halloween here is not really celebrated. Rather they celebrate the Day of the Dead, which is November 2nd, and involves visiting cemeteries, a lot of skeletons and other interesting traditions. It is also a big vacation, which this year meant Saturday through Tuesday off! The girls desperately wanted to go trick or treating, but that is not done here, except by very low class children, and also, because of the time change, it would mean going out after dark, which just isn't safe. So, we compromised, and all the kids went "trick or treating" in the house and happily ended up with some candy to show for it.
The girls wanted to be vampires, and even purchased fake teeth, blood and scar maker for the occasion, but I don't think it turned out quite as they had planned. At least they had a lot of laughs! Here Tory and a friend try to be scary...
Tory and Shelly here, looking good at Simone and Manolo's wedding (Simone is Polly, daughter of Marianne and Jerry - yep, she's married and has a kid!)
Mr. Precious Pants bids you farewell, as he takes off for a walk with my good friend, Cel.