After a lazy first 6 months of life (barely even rolling, let alone sitting up or anything else remotely strenuous), Mr. Preshy, now 9 months old, has decided that now it's time to get a move on and in the last 2 months has mastered crawling, standing (can almost stand unaided), squatting, and is determined to walk sooner rather than later. Sitting still, going to sleep, these are things that are no longer part of his daily routine and he fights them with all his might. He is ACTIVE!
His new favorite activities include: eating shoes, climbing stairs, drinking from the toilet bowl (he rushes for the toilet every time we turn our back for a second), opening cupboard doors and drawers, climbing into shelves and getting stuck, oh, and falling down and bonking his head at least once a day! He also LOVES bathing with his big brother and literally squeals with unadulterated joy when he realizes it's bath time. Of course, he spends the time in the bath trying to stand, falling, trying to drink the water, trying to once again stand, falling.... I have to say this for him though, he doesn't seem bothered at all by getting water in his eyes.
He is fascinated with everything his big brother does and does his very best to copy. I don't think I've ever seen a baby so intent on doing what the "big kids" are doing. Me thinks he is going to be a handful of a toddler. Many fun updates await.