Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Song Titles from Bub

The other night Ethan was entertaining me on his "Capanyo" which is currently out of battery. He was using the microphone and pretending to play songs and sing to me. He gave me a list of songs to choose from. I chose each of these songs at least once and he proceeded to "sing" them to me, which usually meant the same line repeated over and over to a tune that only he can follow. I wonder what prompted him to come up with these particular song titles, in this particular order. What goes through the mind of a three year old anyway?

Here's the list of his songs:

Sing of your lungs
Chug a chug a choo choo
Love your whole heart
Just eat honey
Christ the Lord
Just do Nothing
Please don’t eat the cherries
Please fishy don’t eat, it’s poisonous


Dossy and Bossy said...

I started laughing as soon as I read that he makes up these titles, and laughed heartily at all of them. Faves are "Sing of Your Lungs", "Just eat honey"(sell that one to Nike),"Please don't eat the fish, it's poisonous"...ha ha ha ha. hillarious. And I have to agree...JUST DO NOTHING. Awesome. Merry Christmas, haney, we missed you VERY MUCH.

Unknown said...


Jabberwocky said...

ahahahah.. Matt and I just read these, and we are both laughing out loud! Bub is hillarious... where on EARTH does he come up with this stuff? so funny! :)

James Rudow said...

Totally of Rudow stock... a little of that amazing hubby of yours in there somewhere..Ha!

Happy New Year