Friday, January 7, 2011

Anagram Silliness

It's been a long day, the boys are finally asleep and I'm sitting here, relishing the peace. No children scratching the mole on my arm, kicking me, biting me, climbing on me, peeing on me, eating off me, etc.. and so forth... Don't get me wrong, I love my rascals, but sometimes it is just lovely to sit still and have a moment of peace and quiet.

I found an interesting site called and searched for anagrams of the names of members of my family. I used their full names... Some were rather funny:

Stephen: A Repairman Helves Lust
Chris: A Clenched Worrier Throws Up
Shelly: A Lively Armchair Elf
Amber: A Helm Liver Tribe Bazaar
Mom (using her current married name): My Ninja Lunge
Dad: Music Joust Award
Adrianne: A Radical Rewired Noun or A Nuder Winier Carload
Becca: A Mercury Bread Cow
Suzy: Drama Sass Unions
Jeff: Fed Serf Joys
Abi: A Ruralised Big Woo

They say that anagrams can have "hidden meanings" but I really couldn't find any meanings in any of these - they were pure foolishness. If your name isn't here, it's because the clock struck 12:00 and I became a pumpkin.
Good night.


Amber said...

Somehow these don't seem as funny today as they did last night - I must have been REALLY tired!

Dossy and Bossy said...

I'm so glad you're using your spare time when the kids are sleeping to good effect. This is the sort of thing that, when you're old and grey, you'll look back on and think: WTF??

And yes, my dramas DO sass unions.

Jabberwocky said...

LOL. I think these are hillarious, for the record. Niki's being my favorite. Don't ask me why...

James Rudow said...

I have to admit, I agree with Drainko...
The Bread Cow thing struck a chord. I think a close runner up is Chris. Personally, the joust in my music metaphor just didn't make much sense, but just that it mentioned music was definitely significant.
Lastly, Mom being exposed as a Ninja was just too much. I tried to keep that secret for so long... alas.