Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mr. Independent Pants

Climbing under Daddy's fish tank to play with the "electricords" as Bubby calls them. Oh my.

He loves water and had a blast at Sea World.

Our dear Mr. Preshy Pants has finally started walking, and in true Preshy Pants tradition, he did it in his own way, on his own time. He flatly refused to "walk to Mommy" or "walk to Daddy" but when no one was looking, he would take his own, tentative steps out into the middle of the floor (and usually end up doing a face plant.) He has no fear.

He is now walking pretty well, although he still falls an awful lot and has bruises all over and a chipped front tooth to show for it. He also loves to climb. Did I mention he has no fear? I caught him the other day three rungs up to Bub's "high bed". He can climb a ladder, stairs, and apparently he can also climb chairs and tables. We have our "breakfast room" gated off to provide a safe play area for him while I cook. The other day it was awful quiet in there, and when I looked he was sitting, quite proud of himself, in the middle of the kiddie table that is in there. He had pulled out a chair, and climbed on the chair to get to the table. I got him off, turned around and literally 30 seconds later, he was back up on the table. This time I removed the chairs completely and went back to cooking. A few minutes later I hear a yelp from him and turn to see him balanced precariously on his toy box, trying to climb over the safety fence!

He really marches to his own drum. At 10 months he could screw caps on and off. However, he would not clap or wave. All my other babies could clap "please" by 10 months. Not our Mr. Preshy. I was starting to stress about this, as he passed the one year mark and still no clapping. Then the other morning (early, around sunrise) I heard him stir, looked down, and there he was, laying in bed, still waking up and groggy with sleep, clapping. Go figure. Now he claps on command and thinks its hilarious. He still doesn't wave, but I'm thinking he'll do that when he feels like it.

"Hurray! A steering wheel." One of his favorite things.

He also can't say anything. Not Mama, Dada, or any other word. However, he points and he grunts with the proper inflection. He will grunt demandingly or will make his grunt sound like a question, depending on what he wants. I am thinking he is going to be a real "man's man." You know, grunt and point. Why talk if you don't have to? He does say Brrrum Brrrum and is totally fascinated with anything to do with cars.

He has given me no end of gray hairs as he looks for his next adventure, but he's so lovable, I can't be upset. He has such a happy smile and greets life each day with such enthusiasm. I get a little worried sometimes, as I think bungee jumping, rock climbing or some other freaky sport may be in his future, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now I'll stick close as he waves his 4 ft. stick around and tries to run with it, while saying "Brrrmm brrmmm".


Jabberwocky said...

Sounds like a very determined child, which is awesome. :) Extra points given for being totally adorable and cute!

Anisha said...

Mr. PRESHY!!!!!!!! I miss him!! the cutie, I want to visit you guys sometime.

James Rudow said...

I was a terror to my Mom as a new walker... climbed into and out of anything... pushed chairs to open doors (couldn't reach doornobs)...
I think that I gave my Mom some grey hairs too. Ha. Loved the post.