My son is a little strange. He sleeps with cucumbers.
No, really.
It is not "Bob the Cucumber", it doesn't have a name. It is just a cucumber (randomly chosen from our "cold room"). He carries it around all day, cuddles it lovingly, and wants to sleep with it. He has changed cucumbers 3 times, so it's not loyalty to one particular cucumber. Last night he informed me that, "The cucumber and I are cold. Please cover us up." But then today he asked to eat a cucumber. He loves them, they are his favorite vegetable. He can eat a whole cucumber plain without mayo or anything. Stephen asks, "Is that cannibalism?" I just don't know...
Interestingly, since he ate a whole cucumber this afternoon, he stopped carrying one around and tonight is sleeping without a cucumber. I hope this is the end of a strange trend.
I think there might be a possibility that this cucumber trend originates from his grandfather... me, of course.
I am a great fan of those long and oldly shaped green projectiles. I totally sympathize with my grandson... cut him and his cucumber some slack... well, maybe don't cut the cumber, ....anyway, hilarious adventure to say the least...
and yes, Steve... it is cannibalism.
Cucumbers are HANDS DOWN my fav. veggie (Japanese cucumbers, naturally.. american ones are gross).. so this makes absolute sense to me. :)
Hahahaha so cute!
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