Our big boy is going to be three tomorrow. He has informed me that he is going to "eat his happy birthday" and is quite excited about it. He asked for a "brown cake" and Shelly is going all out with a Chocolate Butter Cake and chocolate icing. Shelly is our in-house baker, and is quite good! I'll take some pics of her cake (which she is currently baking.) I am sure it will be tasty.
As you can see in the picture, he is currently playing "Reader Rabbit Toddler" on our ancient Toshiba "brick" laptop that is about 10 years old (with the help of his trusty coconut, of course!). It only has 4 gigs of RAM and is a Pentium 2, but it works for simple computer games and he is getting the hang of using a mouse quite quickly.
He is so vain about his curls. He hardly lets me brush his hair, as he says it might "ruin my curls"! LOL! Will post pics of his party tomorrow. Have a good night.
awwwww! happy birthday Bub. He's adorable Amber! You should be so proud. xoxoxo
LOL - vain boy! So cute! And Happy Birthday to Bub!
Happy Birthday Bub! Yesterday out of the blue, Dilly said that he missed Bub and the girls. We miss you!
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